Anoka County Sheriff’s Office
Last week, the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office hosted an open house! Residents had the chance to participate in fun activities and get an inside look at the department. Helicopter pilots showcased a helicopter and answered questions, sheriff’s deputies provided free fingerprinting for children, and there was also a “seat belt convincer” – a simulator that allows people to feel a crash at 5 mph in hopes of convincing them to wear a seatbelt.
Organizations like Anoka County 911 also had booths at the event so community members had the chance to get to know all of their local law enforcement officers, and the Sheriff’s Office’s K-9 department held a demonstration too.

Anoka County Sheriff James Stuart and his department understand that effective policing begins with building relationships. This event was certainly a phenomenal opportunity to do just that. Thank you to Sheriff Stuart and all who participated for your service and willingness to proactively protect and serve!
In gratitude,
P.S. We want to hear from you! If you have an officer to highlight or a story to #ThankACop, please do not hesitate to share it with us at [email protected].