Coon Rapids Police Department
I wanted to share a virtual event that the Coon Rapids Police Department hosted last week. It is encouraging to see more and more police departments creatively build relationships with the communities they serve and work however they can to increase transparency and trust.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual neighborhood Nite to Unite, which is usually held in August, was postponed to October 6. And due to continued concerns surrounding COVID-19, many neighborhoods chose to hold virtual events in lieu of backyard get togethers and barbecues. In previous years, police officers and firefighters have always driven around their communities and stopped at as many neighborhood gatherings as they could so residents – especially children – could see the inside of police cars and fire trucks, meet officers and K9s, and ask questions. Officers also hand out stickers, police badges, fire hats, and ice cream coupons or other prizes. Police departments across the state have always participated in neighborhood Nite to Unite events because they are important in forming positive first impressions and creating relationships with local officers.
Even though many Nite to Unite events were cancelled in Coon Rapids, the police department decided to hold a virtual event of its own on its Facebook page, complete with a squad car tour, a K9 demonstration, a live Question & Answer session, and trivia questions! They also had prizes for participants as well. This way, all residents had a chance to “meet” the officers on their own time and learn more about their local police department.
A recording of the live virtual event can be found here.
Thank you, Coon Rapids officers, for increasing transparency and going above and beyond to build relationships with current residents and the next generation! We appreciate all you do to preserve our communities.
In gratitude,
P.S. If you have a #ThankACop story to share or an officer to highlight, please email us at [email protected]. We always appreciate hearing from you!