Crystal Police Department
As we’ve done over the past several weeks, we’re sharing a story with you today about the important work law enforcement officers do for our communities. Though the nature of this work is often dangerous and risky, today’s story is anything but!
Tomorrow, on September 25, a baby boy in Crystal, Minnesota will celebrate his first birthday… thanks to a safe and healthy delivery made possible by a member of the Crystal Police Department, Sergeant Gabe Storz! Sergeant Storz has worked for the Crystal Police Department since 2015, and he was promoted to sergeant in February of 2019.
Last year police were called to the home of a woman who was about to give birth, and Sergeant Storz arrived minutes before this baby made his entrance into the world. Both mom and baby were safe and healthy.

We often think of law enforcement professionals and peace officers as people who protect our communities and maintain law and order. And while that is certainly true, officers put on their uniforms every day not knowing exactly how they may be serving their communities. One day they may be risking their lives; others they may be first on the scene stepping in for EMTs and medical professional bringing new life into the world.
Thank you to all officers for the wide variety of ways you protect your communities and go above and beyond to not only keep citizens safe but support them. And thank you to Sergeant Storz – or should we say Sergeant Stork! – for your work a year ago. Crystal, MN is a better place because of your service.
In gratitude,
P.S. We want to hear from you! If you have an officer to highlight or a story to #ThankACop, please do not hesitate to share it with us at info@emmerforcongress.com.