Sauk Rapids Officer Nick Bogart and Sgt. Jeremy Welsh
Two years ago today, Officer Nick Bogart and Sergeant Jeremy Welsh delivered baby Lincoln Erickson at his parents’ home in Sauk Rapids. His mom Paige’s due date was not until after New Year’s, but she went into the hospital on December 22 with contractions. However, labor did not progress and she was sent home. After they dropped their daughter Isabella off at her grandparents’ house and returned home, Paige knew that baby Lincoln was on his way – and fast.
Since Paige could tell they would not have time to get back to the hospital, her husband called 911 and Officer Bogart and Sergeant Welsh arrived a few minutes later. Officer Bogart said it was a standard, slow night and they were told that there was a woman “possibly” in labor. Once they arrived, baby Lincoln was born in the bathtub a few short minutes later.
Fortunately, Officer Bogart was able to get the baby breathing and crying after he was born. “It’s one of the best sounds I’ve ever heard in my life,” he said. Lincoln was the first baby he delivered, and he earned the nickname “St. Nick” at the police station because of it.
Both Officer Bogart and Sergeant Welsh both visited the Erickson family at the hospital the next day. Paige will always remember the officers and the day Lincoln was born.
Officer Bogart and Sergeant Welsh won’t forget Lincoln’s delivery either. “That’s what this job is about,” said Sergeant Welsh. “It’s about helping people and in the end having a positive outcome, it couldn’t have been any better.”
Thank you, Officer Bogart and Sergeant Welsh for this safe delivery and all that you continue to do to protect and serve Sauk Rapids.
In gratitude,
P.S. – If you have a #ThankACop story to share or an officer to highlight, please email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!